Hawke's Bay
Navigating a Global Business through Challenging Geopolitical Times
Mr Simon Tucker, Director of Global Sustainability, Stakeholder Affairs, and Trade, Fonterra
National Office
International Politics in the Pacific: Navigating Strategic Competition
Expert panel
Hawke's Bay
Address by Professor Emeritus Paul Spoonley
Professor Emeritus Paul Spoonley, Massey University
National Office
Small state diplomacy: Climate change, democracy and security
Hon. Frederick A. Mitchell, M.P., Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Public Service of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas
Where does NZ stand with their security arrangements and their partners?
Christopher Pugsley
A partnership in action
HE Harinder Sidhu AM, Australian High Commissioner to New Zealand
NZIIA membership is open to anyone interested in understanding the importance of global affairs to the political and economic well-being of New Zealand.