Joining NZIIA

You can become a member of a branch in your local area or sign up with the National Office.

Institute members join a community of people and organisations that collectively foster debate and understanding of international affairs for the improvement of Aotearoa New Zealand’s society, economy, and environment.

NZIIA membership is open to all. Annual fees range from $0-$80 for students, individuals, or families, depending on the Branch and magazine subscription. Institutional (basic) membership is $350 and corporate (premium) membership is $700. Prices include GST. 

To join, you will need to agree to the Terms and Conditions of membership which are embedded in our Constitution.

Join Us

The benefits of individual, family, or student membership include:

  • Regular updates on, and invitations to, our events and activities, most of which are free or for a small fee. 
  • Discounts on NZIIA conferences and other paid-for events;
  • Receipt of our bi-monthly journal, the New Zealand International Review, either electronically or by post
  • Regular email newsletters
  • The opportunity to network in a neutral and informal environment with others from across government and the diplomatic corps, business, academia and non-governmental organisations. 
  • One vote in national board elections held every 2-3 years. Only members can run for and vote in NZIIA board elections.
  • Invite to branch and national Annual General Meetings, and receipt of the NZIIA Annual Report


The benefits of corporate and institutional membership include the above, as well as:

  • Complimentary tickets to paid-for events, including the NZIIA flagship conference and annual dinner
  • Exclusive invites to 1-2 events per year for corporate and institutional members, on important international affairs topics. 
  • Multiple copies of New Zealand International Review, either electronically or by post;
  • The potential to initiate or sponsor events and activities relevant to your organisation;
  • Recognition in NZIIA publications, including New Zealand International Review, our website and annual report. 
  • Access to resources, including speaking notes, presentations and submissions. 

For more information, please e-mail us at

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