Policing Terrorism
July/August 2016
Volume 41
Number 4
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Policing terrorism in a void
John Battersby reviews New Zealand’s approach to a major security concern.
Germany’s relations with Russia: willing fools or trusted intermediaries?
Stuart McMillan comments on the global impact of the relationship between Berlin and Moscow.
The current refugee crisis: what’s new?
Klaus Neumann discusses refugee issues in light of Australia’s and New Zealand’s experience.
Punching above our weight
John Key outlines his government’s approach to New Zealand’s role and place in world affairs.
Diplomatic dancing with Oceania
Ken Ross discusses New Zealand prime ministers’ involvement in Pacific Islands affairs.
Friends with benefits
Stephen Jacobi comments on the vital economic relationship between Australia and New Zealand.
Moving out of comfort zones
Terence O’Brien reflects on the approach that a small, isolated Pacific state needs to adopt in a rapidly changing international climate.
James Curran: Unholy Fury: Whitlam and Nixon at War (Gerald Hensley). Peter Edwards: Australia and the Vietnam War (Roberto Rabel).
Sean Naylor: Relentless Strike: The Secret History of Joint Special Operations Command (Rhys Ball).

Policing terrorism in a void
John Battersby reviews New Zealand’s approach to a major security concern.
Germany’s relations with Russia: willing fools or trusted intermediaries?
Stuart McMillan comments on the global impact of the relationship between Berlin and Moscow.
The current refugee crisis: what’s new?
Klaus Neumann discusses refugee issues in light of Australia’s and New Zealand’s experience.
Punching above our weight
John Key outlines his government’s approach to New Zealand’s role and place in world affairs.
Diplomatic dancing with Oceania
Ken Ross discusses New Zealand prime ministers’ involvement in Pacific Islands affairs.
Friends with benefits
Stephen Jacobi comments on the vital economic relationship between Australia and New Zealand.
Moving out of comfort zones
Terence O’Brien reflects on the approach that a small, isolated Pacific state needs to adopt in a rapidly changing international climate.
James Curran: Unholy Fury: Whitlam and Nixon at War (Gerald Hensley). Peter Edwards: Australia and the Vietnam War (Roberto Rabel).
Sean Naylor: Relentless Strike: The Secret History of Joint Special Operations Command (Rhys Ball).
NZIIA membership is open to anyone interested in understanding the importance of global affairs to the political and economic well-being of New Zealand.