September/October 2016
Volume 41
Number 5
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Brexit: a long march
Rita Ricketts reflects on the recent British vote in favour of leaving the European Union.
Europe after the British exit: demise or reinvention?
Stephen Hoadley analyses the implication of Brexit for Europe and concludes that the European Union will survive intact, but will have to adjust, if not reinvent itself.
NATO’s summit of unity
Zbigniew Gniatkowski reviews the recent NATO’s summit deliberations in Warsaw.
Putting our refuge hand up
Molly Kennedy discusses New Zealand’s approach to the pressing problem of refugee resettlement in the global context.
Peter Fraser’s post-war diplomacy
Ken Ross examines the international activities of New Zealand’s wartime prime minister.
The Obama presidency
Mark Gilbert takes a look back at the challenges and accomplishments of the present US administration.
New Zealand and the United Nations 70 years on
Murray McCully launches a new volume that highlights New Zealand’s role in the world body.
David Kilcullen: Out of the Mountains: The Coming Age of the Urban Guerrilla (Jeremy Moses).
Anna Powles, Negar Partow and Nick Nelson (eds): United Nations Peacekeeping Challenge: The Importance of the Integrated Approach (Anthony Smith).
Keller Easterling: Extrastatecraft: The Power of Infrastructure Space (Malcolm McKinnon).
The National Council meeting

Brexit: a long march
Rita Ricketts reflects on the recent British vote in favour of leaving the European Union.
Europe after the British exit: demise or reinvention?
Stephen Hoadley analyses the implication of Brexit for Europe and concludes that the European Union will survive intact, but will have to adjust, if not reinvent itself.
NATO’s summit of unity
Zbigniew Gniatkowski reviews the recent NATO’s summit deliberations in Warsaw.
Putting our refuge hand up
Molly Kennedy discusses New Zealand’s approach to the pressing problem of refugee resettlement in the global context.
Peter Fraser’s post-war diplomacy
Ken Ross examines the international activities of New Zealand’s wartime prime minister.
The Obama presidency
Mark Gilbert takes a look back at the challenges and accomplishments of the present US administration.
New Zealand and the United Nations 70 years on
Murray McCully launches a new volume that highlights New Zealand’s role in the world body.
David Kilcullen: Out of the Mountains: The Coming Age of the Urban Guerrilla (Jeremy Moses).
Anna Powles, Negar Partow and Nick Nelson (eds): United Nations Peacekeeping Challenge: The Importance of the Integrated Approach (Anthony Smith).
Keller Easterling: Extrastatecraft: The Power of Infrastructure Space (Malcolm McKinnon).
The National Council meeting
NZIIA membership is open to anyone interested in understanding the importance of global affairs to the political and economic well-being of New Zealand.